Musings and Mayhem

(the NPTwrites blog)

Arcanium Book Bundle Now Available

I have a big announcement today! I have a brand-new shop, wherein you can now buy e-books directly from the author (that would be me). You can also -- and this is the exciting part -- buy a bundle of all the...

River of Crows Shortlisted for Rubery Book Award

I am thrilled to announce that River of Crows was shortlisted for this year's Rubery Book Award in the Children's and YA category! It did not win, but it was still very exciting to make it to the shortlist. 😊 This makes...

My CBC All in a Day Radio Interview!

Last week I got a very exciting email inviting me to be a guest on CBC Radio's All in Day program, and today we chatted about my Wishing Shelf Book Award silver medal win, the inspiration for River of Crows, writing for...
Rainy Day Inspiration

Rainy Day Inspiration

I've been told that people like it when authors share writing tips, so I've starting doing that on my Instagram page. But...

River of Crows book award news

River of Crows book award news

I'm knee-deep in last-minute prep work for the upcoming book 3 launch (more details on that coming soon!), so this is just...

Spring/Summer Reading Recap

Spring/Summer Reading Recap

With my move in May, my blog posting got interrupted and then I blinked and somehow summer was over and I realized I haven't update my reading recaps, so today's post is going to be a catch-up recap for all the spring and summer reading. There were a bunch, so you...

Mid-Summer Updates (and a Sale!)

Mid-Summer Updates (and a Sale!)

Disappointed you didn't win one of the free Kindle copies in the Goodreads giveaway last month? Or maybe you weren't in the US, so you weren't even able to enter (I know... I'm in Canada and I wasn't happy about that, but that was Amazon and Goodreads' rule, not...

The morning after the tornado

The morning after the tornado

I've been up all night, unable to sleep after yesterday's tornado. I am exhausted. Have been staring at my computer screen trying to process yesterday's events since 4:00 am this morning after tossing and turning all night. Tornados are not normal in my area. We had a...

River of Crows Bookaversary Giveaway!

River of Crows Bookaversary Giveaway!

So, I was looking at my calendar (I finally have it back up on the wall) and suddenly realized that I missed a major milestone that should have been a big cause for celebration. One year ago, I took a great big breath and sent my first 'lil Arcanium book-baby out into...

Mirror of Wolves Now at OPL!

Mirror of Wolves Now at OPL!

Just a quick post to let everyone know that Mirror of Wolves is now available at the Ottawa Public Library in both paperback and ebook formats. Check it out today and find out what Ty and #TeamArcania are up to this time! 😁🐺🖤 When 12-year-old Ty learns of a mystical...

Mirror of Wolves Launch Day Flop

Mirror of Wolves Launch Day Flop

Cardinal author rule number one is not to mess up your book launch because it basically ruins any chance your book has of succeeding. Sadly, I broke that rule. May 25th came and went and there was no push for the book so there's only been a few sales, and Mirror of...

Book 3 Title and Cover Reveal

Book 3 Title and Cover Reveal

It's the end of Canadian Children's Book Week, so I think it's only fitting that this should be the day to share two really big book news things! The first is that we're now in the final stretch leading up to the launch of book 2 (Mirror of Wolves) and the pre-order...

Book 3 Cover Reveal Countdown

Book 3 Cover Reveal Countdown

I'm in the home stretch to the Mirror of Wolves (book 2) launch. It's a stressful time, but instead of getting all anxious, I've decided to have some fun with a cover and title reveal countdown for book 3! If you're following along on my Instagram page, we've had two...

March Reading Recap

March Reading Recap

March in Ottawa, where I live, should be a melty kind of month where the temperatures steadily increase. This year, we just keep getting more snow, which is really starting to weigh on me. I'm done with winter and I want it to just go away now. This has also,...

The proof is in the pudding…

The proof is in the pudding…

Okay, so I lied. In this case, the proof is actually in my hand. Literally. There's no actual pudding in this post. (I know, I know... you're terribly disappointed now, aren't you?) But never fear, for I have something better than pudding to share! Behold my shiny new...

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