Musings and Mayhem

(the NPTwrites blog)

River of Crows Shortlisted for Rubery Book Award

I am thrilled to announce that River of Crows was shortlisted for this year's Rubery Book Award in the Children's and YA category! It did not win, but it was still very exciting to make it to the shortlist. 😊 This makes...

My CBC All in a Day Radio Interview!

Last week I got a very exciting email inviting me to be a guest on CBC Radio's All in Day program, and today we chatted about my Wishing Shelf Book Award silver medal win, the inspiration for River of Crows, writing for...

Pre-Launch Promos!

In just a a few short weeks now, Stone of Serpents will be out! On top of that, we're also coming up to the River of Crows second anniversary and the Mirror of Wolves first anniversary, too. So, in light of all these...
My First Author Interview!

My First Author Interview!

With the recent announcement about River of Crows being listed as a finalist in the Canadian Book Club Awards, publicity...

Aaaaannnd… We’re Live!

Aaaaannnd… We’re Live!

I am SO excited to announce that the revamped website is now live! As mentioned before, some parts of the site will look familiar from the old version, while some parts—like the dedicated page for the entire Arcanium Saga—are brand new. There are also a lot of little...

Progress on the New Website!

Progress on the New Website!

Well, it's almost 7:30 on a Sunday night and, while I should have spent the weekend working on the next book, I have instead spent both days working furiously away on website updates. And I kind of feel like my eyeballs are about to fall out from staring at the screen...

January Reading Recap

January Reading Recap

I am still chugging along with the writing and editing stuff instead of the reading stuff, so I’ve only got a few books for the recap for January. But that does give me some extra space to say how hugely excited I am about the cover for book 3 of The Arcanium Saga. I...

December Reading Recap

December Reading Recap

I am very late posting my December Reading Recap, but in my defence, I've been pouring all my non-day-job hours into writing the next Arcania book. But I am making up for my lateness with a more-books-than-usual post because I had more free time over the holidays to...

November Reading Recap

November Reading Recap

One of the most common writing tips you'll ever get is that you should read a lot. Read everything. The genre you write in. The genres you don't write in. Anything and everything. Just... read. How fortunate then, that most writers also love to read. In these...

River of Crows Nominated for an Award!

River of Crows Nominated for an Award!

So… I have some big book news that I can finally share with you today! A few weeks ago I got a very exciting email from the good folks over at informing me that River of Crows has been nominated by a member of the public for a 2022 Cybils Award in the...

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