I am SO excited to announce that the revamped website is now live! As mentioned before, some parts of the site will look familiar from the old version, while some parts—like the dedicated page for the entire Arcanium Saga—are brand new. There are also a lot of little added details (like my sparkly crow favicon that you should be able to see on your browser tab!) and enhanced functionality (oooo… pretty animation effects!) that I hope add to the experience. 😊

Now, that’s TWO new blog articles in as many days, and I spent all of last weekend working on the site updates, so there probably won’t be any new posts for a while as I really do have to get back to writing actual books. Next update will probably be the title and cover reveal for book 3, though, so don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss anything! 😊
P.S. If you’re following me on Goodreads, I do apologize if you got lots of blog notifications today. I had some technical issues removing the old Substack RSS feed and hooking up the new blog in its place. It all seems to be working now, though, so there shouldn’t be anymore weirdness.